Ready or not, Here we go!!

Wow, I can't believe a new school year is here already! I feel like all I have done all summer is prepare for this school year and I forgot to find some me time. 👀 Oh well, it is what it is. I'm hopeful that all the organization and preparation will make for a less stressful school year. :) Last year I typically stayed at school until around 7, even though school ended at 4:00. My daughter attended 6-8th grade at my middle school and it was a little too easy to work late each day as I tried to learn a new curriculum (social studies for the first time last year, and 3 different math classes, yikes!) This year I'll be teaching the same subjects so it should be easier. I am a bit of perfectionist, the problem is I try to take on too much and then I find myself overly stressed, tired or less than "perfect" because I run out of time. Tomorrow my daughter starts high school. She will not be at my school and I will...